06.05.2012, 13:28
Divine Justice
IF I could think that e'er by Heaven's sure will
One sole injustice had on Earth been done,
Then, cursing God and hiding from the sun,
Both soul and body would I seek to kill;
Or could I such a purpose ne'er fulfil
(Since all my veins of inmost being run
With blood immortal), then would I be one
Whom age on age would find a rebel still. -
Yet well I know that ere the first-born day,
Divinely one with my co-equals, I,
Serene within the Godhead, chose, as they,
Freely my after lot, for ends most high
Agreed with them to walk Time's dolorous way,
Prescribed each sorrow, and foreknew each sigh.
IF I could think that e'er by Heaven's sure will
One sole injustice had on Earth been done,
Then, cursing God and hiding from the sun,
Both soul and body would I seek to kill;
Or could I such a purpose ne'er fulfil
(Since all my veins of inmost being run
With blood immortal), then would I be one
Whom age on age would find a rebel still. -
Yet well I know that ere the first-born day,
Divinely one with my co-equals, I,
Serene within the Godhead, chose, as they,
Freely my after lot, for ends most high
Agreed with them to walk Time's dolorous way,
Prescribed each sorrow, and foreknew each sigh.