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Whitman, Sarah Helen: Faded Flowers
Faded Flowers

Rememberancers of happiness! to me
Ye bring sweet thoughts of the year’s purple prime, -
Wild, mingling melodies of bird and bee,
That pour on summer winds their silvery chime, -

And of rich incense, burdening all the air,
From flowers that by the sunny garden wall
Bloomed at your side, nursed into beauty there
By dews and silent showers; but these to all

Ye bring. O, sweeter far than these the spell
Shrined in those fairy urns for me alone!
For me a charm sleeps in each honeyed cell,

Whose power can call back hours of rapture flown;
To the sad heart sweet memories restore, -
Tones, looks, and words of love that may return no more.

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Whitman, Sarah Helen: Faded Flowers - von ZaunköniG - 07.05.2007, 13:02

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