REFERRING TO THE "LAY" &c. - Druckversion

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REFERRING TO THE "LAY" &c. - ZaunköniG - 17.12.2012

The mind of ev'ry fair one was as fair,
Of those who with the aged bard sympathized ;
But he that genius' value knew and prized
Lower'd its appreciation somewhat there ;

Sighing for approving smiles might apply
Where th' appearance not reality's known,
Yet when its pow'r is o'er the spirit thrown
The eye of judgment's only welcome nigh ;

In vain cadence, finely-directed thought
Falls where their soul-recognised pow'r is not.
Then what the worth of incompetent praise,
What of its oft-develop'd ecstasy ?
E'en one glance of kindred perceptions rays
All that is true— desirable portrays.