Contentment! I have left the lowly spot - Druckversion

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Contentment! I have left the lowly spot - ZaunköniG - 22.07.2007

Contentment! I have left the lowly spot
Where Peace in still seclusion lov’d to dwell.
Within the shelter of thy simple cell,
There once was fix’d my humble happy lot;

Ah would that I had never known a change!
For ‘mong reposing scenes that smil’d around,
Serenest bliss my quiet bosom found. –
‘Twas Hope who taught my wand’ring feet to range

Cruel deluder! she in pilgrim vest
Came to our cot: and by her witching tale,
“While dwelling there an unsuspected guest,”

Seduc’d me from Contentment’s happy vale.
Ah! now, alone, amidst surrounding fears,
I’m left to disappointment and to tears!