Where lags my mistress while the drowsy year - Druckversion

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Where lags my mistress while the drowsy year - ZaunköniG - 08.07.2007

Where lags my mistress while the drowsy year
Wakes into spring? Lo! Winter sweeps away
His snowy skirts, and leaves the landscape gay
With early verdure; and there’s merry cheer

Among the violets, where the sun lies clear
On the south hillsides; and at break of day
I heard the bluebird busy at my ear;
And swallows shape their nests of matted clay

Along the eaves, or dip their narrow wings
Into the mists of evening. All the earth
Stirs with the wonder of a coming birth,

And all the air with feathery music rings.
Spring, it would crown thee with transcendent worth,
To bring my love among thy beauteos things.