Low, Samuel: To the Genius of Poetry - Druckversion

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Low, Samuel: To the Genius of Poetry - ZaunköniG - 25.06.2007

To the Genius of Poetry

Genius of tuneful verse! inspired by whom,
Divine Maeonides in numbers first
Dawn'd on a world o'ercast with mental gloom,
And strains sublime to barb'rous Greece rehearsed;
Spirit of song! from whose Castilian fount
The Mantuan poet sweet instruction drew;
With piercing ken to whose Aonian mount,
Once Albion's bards on eagle pinions flew;
Though far aloof thy vot'ry stretch his wing,
That o'er no classic land presumes to soar,
Him hast thou taught in plaintive strains to sing,
To feel thy solace, and thy power adore;
And, spite of envy's futile venom, thou
Hast placed a leaf of laurel on his brow.