Sheridan, C. B.: On Leaving Greece - Druckversion

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Sheridan, C. B.: On Leaving Greece - ZaunköniG - 26.05.2007

On Leaving Greece

Hellas! farewell!--with anxious gaze I view,
Lovely in tears and injured as thou art,
Thy summits melting in the distant blue,
Fade from my eyes but linger in my heart.
Submissive, silent victim! dost thou feel
The chains which gall thee? or has lengthened grief
Numbed hate and shame alike with hope and zeal,
And brought insensibility's relief?
Awake I adjured by every chief and sage
Thou once couldst boast in many a meaner cause,
And let the tame submission of an age,
Like nature's hushed and scarcely rustling pause,
Ere winds burst forth, foretell the approaching storm,
When thou shalt grasp the spear, and raise thy prostrate form.