22.07.2007, 19:54
To content
O leave me not, Content! I cannot bear
The absence of thy sweet, thy heavenly smile;
‘Tis that alone can gild he form of care,
can smooth the ruggedness of wearying toil.
Ah! I have shun’d wild passion’s stormy course,
Left her intoxicating cup of joy,
To drink from thy serene and hallow’d source
The sweets that know no mingled dark alloy.
Depart not then – but with those angel charms
That first endear’d thee to my youthful heart,
O Come, and hush these fluttering alarms,
And all thy peaceful purity impart.
Subdue each rising wish, each feeling rude,
And reign within my bosom’s solitude.
O leave me not, Content! I cannot bear
The absence of thy sweet, thy heavenly smile;
‘Tis that alone can gild he form of care,
can smooth the ruggedness of wearying toil.
Ah! I have shun’d wild passion’s stormy course,
Left her intoxicating cup of joy,
To drink from thy serene and hallow’d source
The sweets that know no mingled dark alloy.
Depart not then – but with those angel charms
That first endear’d thee to my youthful heart,
O Come, and hush these fluttering alarms,
And all thy peaceful purity impart.
Subdue each rising wish, each feeling rude,
And reign within my bosom’s solitude.