22.07.2007, 19:54
Contentment! I have left the lowly spot
Where Peace in still seclusion lov’d to dwell.
Within the shelter of thy simple cell,
There once was fix’d my humble happy lot;
Ah would that I had never known a change!
For ‘mong reposing scenes that smil’d around,
Serenest bliss my quiet bosom found. –
‘Twas Hope who taught my wand’ring feet to range
Cruel deluder! she in pilgrim vest
Came to our cot: and by her witching tale,
“While dwelling there an unsuspected guest,”
Seduc’d me from Contentment’s happy vale.
Ah! now, alone, amidst surrounding fears,
I’m left to disappointment and to tears!
Where Peace in still seclusion lov’d to dwell.
Within the shelter of thy simple cell,
There once was fix’d my humble happy lot;
Ah would that I had never known a change!
For ‘mong reposing scenes that smil’d around,
Serenest bliss my quiet bosom found. –
‘Twas Hope who taught my wand’ring feet to range
Cruel deluder! she in pilgrim vest
Came to our cot: and by her witching tale,
“While dwelling there an unsuspected guest,”
Seduc’d me from Contentment’s happy vale.
Ah! now, alone, amidst surrounding fears,
I’m left to disappointment and to tears!